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Here’s How This Actor Took Control of Her Career


Updated: Nov 28, 2022

Sarah Pribis got tired of waiting for her agents to send her auditions, so she took control of her career.

Own your path.

“I fully believe that you are your own best agent. No one is going to work harder for you than you. Take classes consistently, put yourself out there on casting sites, email agents, etc. Be dependable, easygoing, prepared, and patient, and you will persevere.”

Jump into the acting community with both feet.

“The best way to build relationships in this industry is to work! Do little projects like student films, short films, and table reads. [Find] projects that excite you rather than doing them for the money, and meet people who are also on their way up.”

Accept the outcome, and trust the process.

“One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned in this industry is that it’s not personal. Rejection is a part of the business, and there are so many reasons that someone else might book a job over you. We are in the efforts business, not the results business. All that matters is that you put in the work.”

Keep your reel concise.

“One of the biggest suggestions I have in making your reel is to trim the fat. Don’t be afraid to get rid of your old clips once you get better ones.”

Great performances come from asking the right questions.

“To prep for an audition, I start with the words. I don’t assign meaning to them yet; I just get them off the page and memorize them. Then I dive into the character. I read the full script if it’s available. If not, I start to make up my own story based on any clues I’ve been given, plus what I can uniquely bring to the role. Who is this person? What are their overall goals? What is their specific goal in this scene? What happened right before this scene? What is their relationship to any others in the scene? Once I figure out that info, I begin to play.”

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